Former Staff
Former Senior Academic Staff
Prof. PD. Dr. Jochen Theis
Curriculum Vitae:
10/2004- 08/2009 | Studies of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim |
Practical Experience:
06/2006- | Salesmachine Werbeagentur für B2B und Technik GmbH, Internship in the division Marketing |
01/2007- | PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Internship in the division Assurance |
07/2008- | Julius Berger Nigeria PLC, Internship in the division General Commercial Operations |
09/2009- | University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, Research Assistant at the Chair of Accounting and Auditing |
12/2013 | Doctoral Graduation at the University of Duisburg-Essen |
07/2014- | Research Fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA |
05/2014- | University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Accounting and Auditing |
05/2019 | Habilitation at the University of Duisburg-Essen |
since 02/2020 | University of Southern Denmark, Department of Business and Economics, Associate Professor |
For recent publications of Jochen Theis see:
Publications until 02/2020:
Theis, J./Yankova, K./Eulerich, M.: Information Order Effects in the Context of Management Commentary - Initial Experimental Evidence. In: Journal of Management Control 23 (2012) 2, p. 133-150.
Eulerich, M./Theis, J.: Zusammenarbeit von Interner Revision und Audit Committee im deutschen Corporate Governance-System. In: Zeitschrift Interne Revision 47 (2012) 3, p. 132-137.
Hampel, V./Eulerich M./Theis, J.: Das Three-Lines-of-Defence-Modell und die Positionierung der Internen Revision innerhalb der Corporate Governance - Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse für Deutschland. In: Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance 7 (2012) 5, p. 201-207.
Eulerich, M./Velte, P./Theis, J./Siglbauer, M.: Self-perception of the internal audit function within the corporate governance system – empirical evidence for the European Union. In: Problems and Perspectives in Management 12 (2013) 2, p. 57-72.
Theis, J.: Corporate Risk Communication as Part of Corporate Governance - Insights from a Behavioral Risk Perspective. In: Corporate Ownership & Control 11 (2013).
Eulerich, M./Theis, J.: Kommunikation von Risiken innerhalb eines Unternehmens - Eine theoretische Betrachtung von Aspekten der Risikowahrnehmung und -beurteilung. In: Zeitschrift Interne Revision 49 (2014) 2, p. 86-89.
Theis, J.: Kommunikation zwischen Unternehmen und Kapitalmarkt - eine theoretische und empirische Analyse von Informationsasymmetrien im Unternehmensumfeld. Springer-Gabler (2014): Wiesbaden. (Online available under
Eulerich, M./Theis, J./Kalinichenko, A.: Say-on-Pay - An empirical investigation of voting likelihood and voting behavior in German Prime Standard companies. In: Journal of Management Control 25 (2014) 2, p. 119-133.
Eulerich, M./Velte, P./Theis, J.: An empirical analysis for the one-tier governance system with a focus on the relationship between internal audit function and audit committee. In: Corporate Ownership & Control 13 (2015) 1, p. 141-151.
Köhler, A./Theis, J.: Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Interner Revision und Abschlussprüfer. In: Zeitschrift Interne Revision 50 (2015) Sonderheft, p. 45-55.
Theis, J./Häger, U./Block, R./Rohde, S.: Energiewende in Deutschland. In: Wahrheit oder Pflicht - Herausforderungen für die moderne Wissenschaft (2017), J. Baedke, A. Brunschweiger, U. Häger, A. Hemschemeier, C. Hundt, M. Richter, J. Theis (Eds.). Klartextverlag: Essen: 78-100.
Theis, J.: Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung in der Praxis – Anwendung im DAX 30. IDW Verlag (2018): Düsseldorf.
Köhler, A./Theis, J.: Die Entwicklung der Prüfungshonorare in Deutschland. In: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (2018), p. 390-415.
Eulerich, M./Theis, J./Lao, J./Ramon, M.: Do fine feathers make a fine bird? The influence of attractiveness on fraud-risk judgments by internal Auditors. In: International Journal of Auditing 22 (2018), p. 332-344.
Johnson, J./Theis, J./Vitalis, A./Young, D.: The influence of firms’ emissions management strategy disclosures on investors’ valuation judgments. In: Contemporary Accounting Research (2019), forthcoming.
Ratzinger-Sakel, N./Theis, J.: Does considering key audit matters affect auditor judgment performance? In: Corporate Ownership & Control 17 (2019) Special Issue, S. 196-210. (Open Access:
Köhler, A./Ratzinger-Sakel, N./Theis, J.: Does the reporting of key audit matters affect the auditor’s report’s communicative value? Experimental evidence from investment professionals and non-professional investors. In: Accounting in Europe (2020), forthcoming